Search Engine Optimization
SEO has made digital marketing very important. The SEO industry has made a lot of progress after Google’s arrival. By the way, the search engine is too many. Like Yahoo, Bing, MSN, etc. But Google is the most popular search engine.
What is SEO?
Think of it as the engine of a train. Just like an engine runs behind the other coaches. In the same way, if you do some searches on the browser,
the results of your “data” are called a search result. Because you ask the search engine to do any search, then it works for you and pulls up data related to your keyword. Google made it advance so that people can find the same information that they are looking for.
Search:- Searching itself tells you that you need something.
Anyone on the browser only searches for something when
he needs some suggestions or information. Now this category
of search can be different. Searches for an experiment, or
study or to buy something. All search engines know
what the customer is searching for. So you can make the same
keyword a keyword similar to your product and you can launch in
the market. So that when customers search by
The same keywords on the Internet, they will see your product
, and your sales can increase.
Type of Searching
1.)News:- If anyone wants to search News then he can directly search in a new tab. Mostly Students, Researchers, Reporters, Politicians are searching the news for making their strategy. In our personal lives, we are also searching for news for our general knowledge.
2.)Image: A few years ago, there was a lot of trend in image search. But due to the arrival of the video search, its importance has decreased. You can go to the image search tab to search the image on any browsers. And you can use that image for your research.
3.)Products:- Products search is very common on the internet. Because if you want to search for any product you can directly go to the product tab and check about what you want. It can help you with your needs related to products.
4.)Video:- Youtube is the largest video search engine in the world. And it is the no 1 position on the internet. Because someone does not have much time to read the article or try to understand the picture. So anybody can understand by watching the video easily. That’s why it
became so famous. Because “an image is better than content, and a video is better than an Image.”
Optimization is a process that seeks to bring more and more positive results with the help of keywords. And the negative results could be reduced.
Types of Optimizations
1) PPC 2) Organic
PPC & Organic Search
PPC:- (pay per click) We use PPC to get results quickly. As soon as user searches through your keyword, your website will come on top in search bar due to PPC. According to you budget, you can bid for keywords and spend money. When user clicks on your web link a bid amount will deduct Whether the user buys or not. But your visibility will be 100% guaranteed.
Organic Search:- In a simple way – In simple language – where you can advertise free of cost, it is called organic search. Like Facebook or Instagram. If you are bulk user of social media you can visible organically on search engines free of cost. You need not to pay anything. Social Media is a big example of organic search. Like Pinterest, we can make backlinks and promote your website.